Sunday, May 16, 2010

cute/ween off loneliness/join band bff

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Saturday, May 15th
Anna Ash
Mark E. Deutsch
Potholder & The Lid

   $3 donation
The Bootstrap
1148 E. 18th Street Loft #4 
Oakland, CA

Friday, June 4th
I play a short set amidst readings by
      Alisa Heinzman and Sandy Florian
 Studio One Art Center
365 45th ST in Oakland
   700pm to 9:30pm

Thursday, June 10
      chapbook release party--the final issue of Jason File's No More Bummers
Needles & Pens
3253 16th Street,
San Francisco, California

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Song for the Sabra

This song cycle is a gift to my previously-unborn, now-louder nephew, Chayim Natan Yisrael.  He was born on 4/21/2010.  Hineh is a birthing blessing and aid; the rest are pedagogical.  My mother always said play is a child's work; I propose that child's work is like a play [(i.e. this one)].
<a href="">I. Hineh by Mark E. Deutsch</a>

Friday, May 7, 2010

Album release tonight in Oakland!

Finally the official SOFT OUTFIT release party.  Many bands as one can see.  Come see all the different album covers Mark Taylor made--the last time they'll be one place.